
An Experimental Podcast that focuses on the way that communication signals travel all over the world between devices.
In Collaboration with Isaac van den Aker & Niels Pauls - CLICK IMAGE TO OPEN

Traceroute is an experience where the listener can emerge in the path we take when we request to enter an address on the internet. We visit each digital location at its physical place, making a relation to the real world. The name of the project is equal to the program which lives in the terminal of our computers. This program reveals the full list of places that our computers have to visit before reaching the end destination.

By trying to trace the route that devices take when connecting to a  internet adress it becomes clear that a very long distance is being covered. We noticed that when connecting to the website where our podcasts were broadcasted there were multiple hops to servers all around the world. This usually all happens within a second without us ever being aware of it.

By using the traceroute command via the terminal we established all the ip-adresses that were pinged when connecting to google.com, here’s an example of that:

We decided to investigate further where the IP-adresses are located by using the the free online tool

What was interesting to see was, that our signal travelled from the city we started to other points in the netherlands, then to germany and from germany to the US.

We decided to try to triangulate the exact locations that we found by using the opentracker platform through trying to localize the found GPS-Locations of the IP-adesses:



Our next step was to sonify the ip-adresses by using a system to translate the numbers of the IP-adresses into audible sounds. For this i used the piano roll in Ableton since in IP-adresses we only have numbers 0-9 and on a piano, if you go from an A6 note to an A7 note, there are 13 keys in between, including both the starting and ending notes. This count includes both white and black keys. You can find an example below:

Since there were some locations in which it was possible for us to reach them by using public transportation or a car, we travelled to the locations in the netherlands and recorded the sounds that define them of the spaces that we located and mixed them together.

For the locations which we couldn’t reach ourselves, we asked friends and colleagues if they could record the audible noises from the locations.